✨ Wednesday Whisper 1/24/24

germany happinesshabits happy manuelarohr poweroftwo unconditionally wednesdaywhisper wellbeing Jan 23, 2024
Expect Joy. Be Positive


And welcome back to another week of creating Happiness Habits.

We’ve reached week four; congratulations on investing in your well-being.

Your commitment to growing your happiness account is not just a personal endeavor; it's a gift that keeps on giving to yourself and those around you.

Please trust your ability to grow your happiness account. It will anchor you in challenging times and create a positive ripple effect for everyone you encounter.


Here's the proof:

😄 Smile at yourself in the mirror, and look who smiles back!


Today, I want to share a Tiny Island practice that has been a cornerstone of my own happiness for the past 20 years. I wouldn't dream of starting or ending my day without it. This, my friends, is the magic of habits—they transform into the fabric of our lives, weaving happiness into our daily existence.

So, here’s today's offering:

🌴 Tiny Island - The Power of Two


Special Video to guide you through this practice:

Pema Chodron inspires this practice.

And support from the Dalai Lama:

Happiness is not ready-made. It comes from your own actions.

Remember, you’ll find inspiration, including all Wednesday Whispers, on our website


Until next time, love yourself more when challenged!

With love, Manuela

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