✨ Wednesday Whisper 2/1/24

dreamdancer happiness happinesshabits manuelarohr retreat unconditionally wednesdaywhisper Feb 03, 2024


As we wrap up this month’s powerful Happiness Habits Journey, it's time to reflect on the Tiny Islands we’ve discovered and choose the ones that resonate most deeply with us. Essentially, we're creating a Tiny Island Treasure Chest—a collection of habits that will serve as our compass on this journey toward a happier, more mindful life.

Let's recap the Tiny Islands we explored this month and consider which ones might find a permanent place in your daily, weekly, or monthly rituals:

  1.  πŸ•―️ Candle Gazing - once a week - for example on Saturday
  2. ♾️ The Mindful Eight: A Shortcut to Self-Care - daily
  3. πŸ₯‡ Get 1 % better every day - daily
  4. πŸ₯ˆ The Power of Two - daily 
  5. β˜” Acceptance - Let it rain when it rains - as needed


These Tiny Islands are more than just practices; they are keys to building happiness into your life. By cultivating them as lifelong habits, you embark on a journey of self-reflection and self-correction, ultimately leading to a profound sense of self-acceptance.

The Tiny Island Journey is a path toward a mindful life, where you take charge of how you want to feel and actively cultivate the experiences you desire. It's about mastering the delicate balancing act of life and aligning your actions with your bigger goals.

Now, envision yourself as a Dream Dancer—a person who gracefully moves through life, fully engaged in pursuing their dreams. 

How can you embody this concept? By joining me in creating The Dream Dancer Village.

The Dream Dancer Village is a supportive community where we unite to uplift and empower each other. It's a space where skills are developed with a foundation of faith, trust, and a sense of shared purpose. Together, we build the life we dream of—one step, one Tiny Island at a time.

And now, for today’s offering:

🌴 Tiny Island - Acceptance - Let it rain when it rains.

And your Special Video to guide you through this practice:

And support from Rainer Maria Rilke

Be patient with all that is unresolved within your heart, and try to love the questions.


Love yourself more, not less, when challenged,


With Love, Manuela

PS. Join our private community: The Dream Dancer Village

PPS. Find out more about our Dream Dancer Retreat!

PPPS. Wednesday Whisper is taking a short break while I’m traveling to the U.S.

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