✨ Wednesday Whisper 3/2/23
Mar 02, 2023March Soulful Voices:
“Let go of the ways you thought life would unfold…”
Hello …. and welcome to March!
Spring is showing its stunning colors; even a massive winter storm brought rare snow to California.
I'll be traveling with little writing time this month and picked some of my favorite soulful voices to inspire you!
This week I'll honor Donna Faulds. She is an America Poet with whom I had the joy of writing and practicing yoga and listening to her read this poem in 2002 at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Massachusetts.
Please remember what we do daily to shine our light matters.
If we take good care of ourselves, we help everyone.
See you next week!
You are important.
Make yourself a priority! 💗
Big Love,
Manuela 🌴✨🐘
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