✨ Wednesday Whisper 3/6/24

feet manuelarohr march roots wednesdaywhisper Mar 06, 2024

Soulful Voices - Listen to your Body’s Wisdom

The Unsung Heroes: Why You Should be Paying More Attention To Your Feet


March is the best time to start again because if Spring can do it, why can’t you?

I devote this month to the Body-Mind connection, and we start from the ground up by celebrating our FEET!


“Pay attention to your feet, for they carry the weight of Your world,” K. Casey


Imagine the Dream Dancer, the little elephant balancing on a tightrope through life. Now you are on the tightrope! What is the most crucial body part to master this balancing act? 


Your FEET!

The average adult will walk almost 75,000 miles over their lifetime, the equivalent of traveling around the world three times.

Imagine THREE times around the world!

Acknowledge them now and take a moment to wiggle your toes: Start a new friendship with your FEET and care for them!

Do you know why feet are the Unsung Heroes of your life?

The Feet are the most neglected part of the body, yet they faithfully carry us through life. Stuck in shoes, they are far away from our mind's eyes. We barely notice them unless they hurt!

They are a vital link in the body-mind connection.  


“Be Where Your Feet Are” is a powerful way to live a mindful life. It's a sure way to stop thinking about the ‘what ifs’ in life and anchor yourself in the present moment.



Think about this:

  • Are you a ‘shock absorber’ for your family and friends? 
  • Do you tend to feel responsible for holding everything together?
  • Are you the support system for everyone except yourself?
  • Are you standing your ground?

When you are stressed, anxious, or upset, your body tries to tell you that something isn’t right. If you are a ‘shock absorber’ and feel exhausted or angry every day, this repeated pattern can inflame your ankles and heel, causing tremendous pain.

Become interested in your feet and be empowered to walk your talk and stand your ground! 



Here are 8 Tiny Tips to show love to your feet:

  • Walk barefoot on the grass
  • Wiggle your toes often
  • Massage your feet every day
  • Tennis ball roll
  • Toe Raise, point and curl
  • Marble of Tissue pickup
  • Keep feet parallel when sitting or standing. Say: I’m rooted.”
  • Ankle Alphabet (have fun)


And here is your Daily Tiny Island Ritual. Do at least one of the practices every day.

🌴 Tiny Island - Morning Love for Your Feet

My friends, make your feet the heroes of your life!



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