✨ Wednesday Whisper 3/9/23

breathe presenttense wednesdaywhisper Mar 09, 2023
in the present tense

March Soulful Voices:

"Live now. The future is promised to no one."


Hello ….

I'll be traveling with little writing time this month.

I picked some of my favorite soulful voices to keep inspiring you!

This week's poem is from my Top Ten Poems collection. It helps me to remember to live now and cherish the season I am in.

Jason was 14 years old when he wrote it! Dear Abby published it.


🌴Tiny Island Tip - Use Water

When you wash your hands or drink water, pause and breathe out. Notice your next inhale and exhale. Gently training your mind to be here now!


See you next week!

You are important.

Make yourself a priority! 💗


Big Love,

Manuela 🌴✨🐘

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